Thursday, 29 September 2022

Chiswick House Dog Show - 2022

I was fortunate to be able to display some of my photographs last weekend at the Chiswick House Dog Show on the 25th of September in London. The weather was fine and thousands of people along with their furry friends had a great day out. With lots of dog show categories and a wide variety of dog related businesses in attendance, there was plenty of doggy themed things to see and do.

A big thank you to the many volunteers who collectively spent hundreds and hundreds of hours planning and making sure the event was a great success. I definitely hope to be back again next year.

One of the lovely things about being at such an event is the opportunity one has to meet people and their dogs. Dogs always seem to be a great topic of discussion. During the afternoon I chatted with a man who had been intently looking at my photographs. He mentioned that he was originally from Iraq and that looking at my photographs triggered his memories of the Bedouin people from his homeland who owned Saluki dogs and used them for hunting in the desert. 

It is a lovely feeling when I discover that my photographs connect with people in ways that are special and personal to them.

Saluki Dog
The Saluki is almost as fast as a Greyhound 
but they have a lot more endurance.

It is also a good feeling when you get a sense that a service you provide meets a need. As an example I have just started to offer a dog-friendly mobile pop-up dog portrait photography service and the first response from people at the Chiswick House Dog Show was excellent. It means that I can provide a quality bespoke dog portrait service in the comfort and security of your own property. All we need is a secure outdoor space approximately 2-3 metres square. To find out more or to book a dog portrait session, please click on this link:



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